Floral Policy
Join us in keeping Gethsemane Memorial Park and Carteret Memorial Gardens beautiful.
Floral arrangements are permitted in vases integral to the permanent memorial or base.
Floral arrangements of artificial or cut flowers are permitted.
Floral decorations and frames, not in the vase, will be removed by staff.
Benches are not permitted on gravesites. If you are interested in placing a granite bench by a tree or
near a feature, contact the office for details.
The placing of solar lights, wind chimes, bird houses or feeders, vases, shells, toys, metal designs,
ornaments, chairs, settees, glass, crockery, wood or iron cases, or any items or materials hazardous to
maintenance personnel, Lot Owners, visitors, equipment, and lawnmowers shall not be permitted, and if
so placed, the Corporation reserves the right to remove it.
Potted plants and special arrangements will be permitted at Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, and other
special occasions.
So that we may maintain the cemetery grounds throughout the heavy maintenance season (April
–September) and protect the health and safety of our visitors and cemetery staff, a thorough clean-up
will take place EVERY YEAR in Spring. All items will be removed from the grave spaces, markers, and
monuments unless placed in a vase as noted below.
We want Gethsemane Memorial Park and Carteret Memorial Gardens to remain beautiful for all family
members to enjoy.
For a complete set of Cemetery Rules and Regulations, please visit our office.
a) Throughout the year, floral arrangements are limited to bronze vases integral to the Memorial or base, or in the case of Monuments, floral arrangements are limited to those arrangements confined to marble, granite, or bronze vases integral to the Monument.
b) Floral decorations and frames shall be removed from the Interment site, unless taken away from the Cemetery by those lawfully entitled to them, after seven (7) days from Interment and will be disposed of by the Cemetery.
c) The placing of solar lights, wind chimes, bird houses or feeders, vases, shells, toys, metal designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, glass, crockery, wood or iron cases, or any items or materials hazardous to maintenance personnel, Lot Owners, visitors, equipment and lawn mowers shall not be permitted, and if so placed, the Corporation reserves the right to remove same.
d) No holes are to be dug in the ground.
e) Potted plants and special arrangements will be permitted upon Lots and Graves at Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, and other special occasions. If such special containers and arrangements are not called for in seven (7) days, they may, at the option of the management of the Gardens, be eliminated.
f) At times, other than those specified herein, flowers are permitted only in approved Memorial vase assemblies. Flowers in vase assemblies will be permitted to remain until becoming withered, unsightly, or out of season.
g) The Corporation reserves the right to remove any arrangement or container that it considered unsightly.
h) No arrangement over 48 inches is allowed.
i) The cemetery is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to flower arrangements or containers caused by weather conditions or individuals not employed by the corporation.
j) Floral arrangements for Mausoleums Crypts or Niches are permitted only in approved Memorial vases and must not encroach on another crypt of niche front. The Cemetery reserves the right to remove all others, as well as items which, in the opinion of management, detract from the uniform appearance of the Mausoleum.
k) Memorial Bench bases shall be free of any items that are deemed by management as dangerous, unsightly, offensive, or creates clutter.