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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there spaces available?
Yes! There are many spaces available and will be for many generations to come. Each of the
cemeteries has from 30 to 40 acres of land to be used solely for burial use. The undeveloped land will be
used for the addition of gardens or sections, allowing the cemetery to expand and offer more burial and
cremation options as needed.

Why choose a perpetual care cemetery?
A perpetual care cemetery will be maintained forever. A perpetual care fee is paid when a space
is sold, the money is then placed into a perpetual care trust account. The perpetual care trust fund can
only be used for the maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery. The trust fund was started before the
first space was sold, today the fund continues to grow with each space purchased and the fund will
continue to grow as more spaces are sold. In a perpetual care cemetery, you do not have to worry about
how the grass at your grave site will be mowed, you do not have to worry about the cemetery becoming
overgrown and unsightly.
There are less than 200 Perpetual Care Cemeteries in North Carolina. Each Perpetual Care Cemetery
abides by the rules set by the North Carolina Cemetery Commission. In North Carolina, perpetual care
cemeteries submit monthly reports to the Commission and are audited by the Commission on a regular


What do I need for a burial?
1. Space (grave)
2. Cemetery Interment Fee (Opening and Closing)
3. An outer burial container or vault
4. A memorial or headstone is desired by most families but is not required for burial.


What are the benefits of pre-planning?
When you preplan your memorial estate you are relieving a burden from your family. One of the
hardest things for a grieving family to do is wander around a cemetery and select a space for their loved
one. Imagine, if you will, a grieving family, without the guidance of their loved one, walking around the
cemetery trying to settle on which space to select for their loved one. There is not a space, in any
cemetery, that a family member wants to select in a time of grief.
When you preplan, you take away the tremendous burden of your family selecting your space. Not only
do you take the burden off of your family but you can save a great deal of money. Any items that you
select and prepay for are guaranteed to be provided for your burial, at the time of your passing, at no
additional cost to your family or estate. When you are thoughtful and prepay for your memorial estate
your family will know your wishes and be able to carry out your services the way you intended.


How do I begin to buy cemetery property?
Simply call our office at (252)726-3151 to make an appointment. Our office is located inside Munden
Funeral Home and Crematory at 2112 Arendell Street, Morehead City. If you are unable to come to the
office one of our staff members can come to you or meet you at one of our beautiful cemeteries.


How long do you wait after a burial to place a headstone or memorial?
You do not have to wait any amount of time to place a headstone or a memorial. We typically place
headstones or memorials as soon as the interment has been completed.

What is perpetual care?
Simply put, perpetual care funds are used for the general maintenance of the cemetery grounds. This
includes mowing and upkeep of the roads, buildings, and signs and maintaining permanent records of
lot owners and burials.

What is the Cemetery Interment Fee or Opening and Closing Fee?
The cemetery charges a Cemetery Interment Fee for burials, mausoleum entombments, niche
inurnments, and placement of cremated remains in benches, columbaria or niches.
The fee includes items one may not consider, the interment fee is more than just the preparation of the
grave and filling the grave back in. Below are detailed items needing to be completed before and after

  • Discuss the arrangements for burial with the funeral director and family.

  • Examine the record of lot owner to determine ownership.

  • Check permanent files for any special instructions by lot owners or affidavits affecting the burial.

  • Make necessary phone calls.

  • Prepare interment authorization for burial.

  • Record interment on lot card.

  • Document burial in the lot owner’s file and throughout cemetery records.

  • Prepare instructions for grave opening and closing operations.

  • Staff must lay out the exact location of the grave.

  • Deliver necessary equipment to the grave site (plywood to protect the surrounding area, hand tools, power tools, and power equipment).

  • Excavate the interment site by machine or by hand.

  • Haul away excess dirt.

  • Haul away all digging equipment.

  • Help set up the lowing device, casket, grass, tent, and chairs, when needed.

  • Assist in carrying and arranging flowers, when necessary.

  • Assist with vault placement, fill in the grave, remove chairs, assist in rearranging flowers.

  • Remove excess dirt from the gravesite.

  • Remove flowers when wilted.

  • Refill and level grave when natural settling of the earth takes place.

  • Maintain cemetery equipment. Most of the equipment that is required to perform the above-mentioned services represents an investment of well over $50,000.00. This will include a tractor, a vehicle for delivery and pick-up tools, specialized equipment, vault lowing equipment, a backhoe, hand tools, a water pump, and a power packer.

  • Render any extra service that is needed or requested. First and foremost, a good cemetery is a service institution.

  • Maintain an office staff so that a qualified person is available during business hours 7 days a week, to assist in making burial arrangements. Maintain a service staff that is thoroughly trained and available when required.

Contact Us

Forest Oaks Memorial Gardens
908 Lake Rd
Havelock, NC 28532
Tel: (252) 447-0600

Carteret Memorial Gardens

800 NC Highway 101

Beaufort, NC 28516

Tel: (252) 728-4023

Gethsemane Memorial Park
700 HWY 24
Newport, NC 28570
Tel: (252) 726-3151

Munden Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.
2112 Arendell Street
Morehead City, NC 28557
Tel: (252) 726-8066

Munden Funeral Home and Cremations
908 Lake Road
Havelock, NC 28532
Tel: (252) 444-6248

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